To greet the season of your life as the woman
you’re becoming, not the woman you have been.
Together, we examine the roles and aspirations of our individual and collective womanhood experience.
From the fear and grief that surrounds a woman’s aging to the timelessness and power that comes from maturity-
we remember an intuitive knowing of our true essence and capacity.
Eclectic Rainbow Mother
I do this work of remembering and reformation because I know if it has healed me, then it can heal others
Human Design was a jumping off point into an even deeper layer of exploration.
Human Design is highly sophisticated of system of human differentiation-simply said-it's a wildly accurate and powerful toll for self knowledge and self growth. If you are curious, or ready to go deeper with your personal Womanhood journey, Now is a great time!
Your bravery is deep.
Your strength is fluid.
You are supported and held in the highest love.
-Corinne Mickler Kaye
© 2023 Womanhood-Redefined